I loved your pictures of Zanzibar! Wow. I then went into the link to all the pictures. You and your new husband (an our new son), Nathan, look so happy! What a wonderful adventure. I particularly like the pictures of the beach and boats and where you stayed. It brought back memories of Namibia - our funny little house on the Kanini River. Like all mothers, I love to see my children happy, happy.
We are enjoying our winter. There is something about winter - looking outside with the snow, frost, rain, wind but being cozy inside. I got up about 6:15 yesterday morning and looked out and there were 6 deer eating grass through the sprinkling of snow right outside the front windows. It was beautiful.
And my spinning - having a grand time with this. I am getting better. I plied my first wool - and you can see from the balls of yarn - from left to right - good, better, best.... I now want to play with some colour and maybe some dying. But I do like the natural colours. Don't know what I am going to make with it yet.
I have also been knitting. I made two more little purses - played with the design and with beads. I like the way they look.
I think it will be really nice when I finish it. I am itching to get started. I am going to White Point Beach again, Feb 3-6, for a 4 day hook-in with the South Shore women. We are also going to have a 4 day hook-in at our house for the local hooking groups, Carpetbaggers and Rugg Bees, Feb 18-21. I have to get the wool dyed so I can work on it so I can take it to these. I think they will like hooking at our house because it is easy to clean the hardwood floors - and the views and lots of light.
So, I am spinning, knitting, rug hooking and now crochet. Busy, busy. And then there is "the shop", Hands on Crafts. Doris and I took part in a Women's Winterlude show yesterday - a showcase for women in business. We had THE most colourful booth and met a lot of people who didn't know about the shop or didn't know all the things we now have rug hooking supplies, wool, roving, and beads. It was fun.
I went to see the movie, Juno with some of my Kayaking buddies - really recommend it. As a former high school teacher and principal I can tell you that it was so real! These are not "Hollywood" 16 year olds but REAL 16 year olds. So well written and acted - and Ellen Page is from Halifax.
We have been going to Mariner hockey games, to Bruno's special dinners and enjoying winter and just keeping cozy in the house. It has been a nice winter.
Take care.
Love ya,