We are now moving into winter with our first very slight snowfall and the Santa Claus Parade of Lights is tonight in Yarmouth. So, guess Christmas is almost here. I have to catch up a little with the blog!
Time goes so fast - really Crazy. September was particularly busy. I went to the Rug Hooking Guild of NS Rug School in Cornwallis. I took Fine Shaded Flowers. It was a challenge but I did like it. My friend, Bette Wrathal was the teacher so that was a treat. I really like her and she is a great teacher. This is the result of my efforts so far. Bette designed the mat - it is called Julia Ruth after one of her granddaughters. She names all her rugs for her many granddaughters.
To add to it all, we also took our rug hooking shop from Hands on Crafts to Rug School and did very well. We were a popular shop because we had lots of wool thanks to my Rug Hooking partner Pam MacIsaac-Adams but we also had yarns, beads, buttons and all kinds of funny things that people liked. I think we will do it again next. Year. The picture is of Doris Cooke in our shop. Poor Doris and Pam had to staff the shop while I had fun at rug school. I relieved them when I had time.
We had a great class - Bette is in the middle with the beautiful white hair. She is waring a vest she made with rug hooked flowers on it. She really is great and I really had a good time. A whole week of hooking with really interesting women and a few brave me. Know it sounds crazy but it was so relaxing and refreshing!
We asked everyone to make a 6"X6" square from natural hand spun yarn - (all us spinners supplied the wool) and this was the result! We expected to make a shawl that was 3 squares by 15 squares - or 45, but we got 80 so the "shawl" is now a throw that is 5 X 16 squares. It is just wonderful and cosy.
During the Craft Splash there was an amazing quilt show at the church. When you walked in the colours, the images, the quilts just took your break away! I may try to design a rug of the quilt show.
In October I attended a symposium in Amherst Nova Scotia with Dianne Fitzpatrick. She is an extremely talented hooker who is very well known. She has published books and is a regular contributor to Rug Hooking Magazine. Her work is amazing. She is originally from Newfoundland and her work reflects this. Again, it was refreshing. I am trying to do more interesting things and this symposium gave a lot of inspiration. There were rug hookers, knitters, spinners, doll makers. We all got to sit and do our thing while we listened to and talked with very interesting speakers who were artisans and artists. Really neat and me a lot of interesting people. The picture is of Dianne with one of her rugs in the background.
Doris Eaton was also there. She is another amazing hooker, teacher and designer - the "grand dame" of hooking in Nova Scotia. Next year Dianna and Doris are combining to do a course on "blank burlap" hooking - hooking directly from your mind to burlap. I would love to go but - it is expensive! We will see. Below is a rug done by Doris.
Since I last blogged I have published two issues of The Loop since I last wrote, the September and November ones. I had a great cover for the September.
I am also now editing and publishing the Newsletter for the Nova Scotia Association of Garden Clubs called the Scotia Gardener. It is only 6 pages where the magazine - The Loop - is over 30 pages. I do like doing it and I get to "talk" (sometimes vie e-mail) to a lot of interesting people.

We had a great hook-in with the hookers from the valley.
They were doing very interesting things. We then did a two-week course with Germaine James. I am still working on the Jones house in Sedalia. It is coming along very well - but am learning as I go to do this - picture to rug thing. It is like painting with wool and it is a challenge. king on the Jones Farm. It is coming along.
My last travel for the fall was to Ottawa to the board meeting for the Forum for Young Canadians and also visited with old friends. Went shopping with Pat - got some new pants that I needed - and really enjoyed it. Always fun running around with Pat, and seeing my old buddies.
Now my "wings" have been clipped from all this running around because I broke my leg. It is a long story but to say that I have time to work of all the stuff that is accumulating as "projects" and not finished. I am making progress but find it very frustrating.
Really looking forward to everyone being home at Christmas but don't expect much. I don't get my walking cast until Dec 16th and can't drive and am currently hobbling around on crutches and a walker. Not very dignified and very slow. I don't like slow!
Take care, loved your pictures of Argentina. Reminded me of Brazil. South America is really beautiful.
Hope Rushka is being a good dog. Give her a hug for me.
Love ya,