Hi all,

What beautiful weather we are having in Yarmouth! Still waiting for grandchild #1.
To catch up - I finished the Jones Farm, 1878, Sedalia Missouri, Stan's family home. Really proud of it and Stan loves it - that is important! All the wool his hand dyed by Pam MacIsaac-Adams with some little help from me.
The Farm has now a US National Historic Site. We shipped the mat down to Missouri for the celebration.
This is a really nice sweater that I knitted for a client - for one of her good friends. It is from Rowan Classic Collection, #13, Alpaca. It came out perfect - very happy with it and it is so soft. It is in Rowan Baby Alpaca DK, colour Cheviot #207. I love the asymmetric pattern - it repeats on the back and one sleeve is the little motif and the other is the large. The collar really worked well - it has a lovely soft drape that alpaca gives.
It is so nice that it is Spring! Grandchildren coming, lovely weather, my health is good, sun is shining!
I am also working on a beautiful men's sweater from Kaffe Fassette's, Jack's Back. It was originally published in a his "Glorious Knits" for men and reprinted with a whole new set of yarns in "Kaffe Knits Again." I have combined these two patterns and new yarns. My client is a well known photographer so he has given the colours a little boost. Each row has at least 4 colours - two per colour, takes care but is so wonderful.
The wool is all Rowan Scottish Tweed 4 ply is 18 different colours.
Going to enjoy the rest of my day!
Going to enjoy the rest of my day!