Monday, May 14, 2007

The BEST Mother's Day Present

Hi Megs,

Wow, Megan. You gave me THE most wonderful Mother's Day present! Now, because of your crocheting - I can keep a baby warm in Afghanistan! As you know, when you told me about it - I got tears in my eyes. Just like I did when you "gave" me the giraffe at the Lincoln Park Zoo - which I still have - helping to feed him.

I love your scarf. Mine is still a "work in progress" but it IS the project I am taking to Brazil with me - and the sock pattern from Lace-Cuff Anklets from my other mother's day gift - the Interweave knit "Favorite Socks" - I have decided these are the only projects I am taking but may find some Brazilian yarn. We are also close to Uraguay and I know they have beautiful yarn there. Well I am also taking some Noro so I can make more little purses if I need to.

So, can't brag much about finishing anything - but the 15 little purses! I also have the shawls finished and stacked up ready for delivery to team members. So - have been productive but only with a very limited collection of items.

Nice to talk to you on Mother's Day. Here are the great big PEI mussels we had for supper - prepared like they did at Hog Island - with "greens". They were terrific but we made to many - we needed about 3 more people to help us finish them.

We had a Yarmouth Craft Guild meeting last night and we got the brochures we had printed "Yarmouth Area Working Studios". It features 12 Crafters (This is the Year of the Crafter - at least in Canada) who would welcome visitors to their studios. I am NUMBER 6! (you can see my lace shawl left, socks and rug, second one down on the back of the brochure.) EVeryone says the picture makes me look 10 years old - but I guess for a 64 year old, that's not bad!

These will be distributed to tourists spots and other places where people might want to see crafts in the Yarmouth area. It is really nice. Lots of great people in it. Proud to be part of it.

So - that is my news. Have to finish my final pack! Next time I post - if I am able - it will be from Brazil!

Love ya, Mom

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