Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Wow! Meredith, Susan & Ellen's whirlwind San Francisco tour

View of San Francisco from Alcatraz!

Hi Mom,

I'm sure by now that you've heard all about Meredith, Susan & Ellen's excellent adventures in San Francisco - they are well chronicled in Ellen's blog! (Even just reading about everything we did makes me tired).

Just to add to the fun, here are some of the photos that Nathan & I took while they were here. True to form, they are somewhat odd, but I like them.

Local artists inspired by the swans at the Palace of Fine Arts

Susan, Me, Meredith & Ellen with the historic ships at Hyde Pier
(yes, this is a proper tourist photo and yes, it was taken by someone else - by an actual tourist who sweetly offered to take it for us)

Welcome signs at Alcatraz

Buildings on Alcatraz - former military barracks and warden's house

Pagoda through the trees at the Japanese tea garden

I have been keeping up with your posts, even if I haven't been writing much. I am so jealous that you got to meet one of the Gee's Bend quilters! I saw the exhibit when it was at the de Young last year, but didn't have a chance to meet any of the artists when they were there. I am sure you must be very inspired now to play with colors & forms in your own creations. The oriental rug you are hooking looks great. But if it is all our somewhat extended family where is Sally? Should she be there too?

I also loved all the signs along the roadway. You might just have to buy one - especially if you want to use it for inspiration in a rug. I think my favorite is: A Minute is a Long Time When Someone is in the Bathroom. And the pictures of the houses reminded me of San Francisco! (Even if you do seem to have more sun...)

A knitting update will follow soon,


My poppies actually bloomed!
Their happy red makes for a refreshing break from the fog...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love your poppies and pictures of when we were there. We are still bragging on you, Megan.