I laughed out loud - and so did your father - when I read about the wrong Rushka. When I looked at the picture before I scrolled down (and you told the story very well!) it looked like Rushka had gained weight but then.... It was good that you could both laugh about it and not cry. It reminded me of the time when I was around 8 that my mother was stressed working on some sewing project and needed more pins. She drove me down town and I was to run into the TG&Y to buy the pins and she would drive around the block and pick me up. I did go in and buy the pins and back outside - no mother! I waited and waited - no mother. She got distracted somewhere going around the block and drove home - forgetting me completely! She only remember, she confessed later, when she got back and thought about needing the pins again. You come by distraction naturally.
Our kayak trip was amazing! What a Wonderful group of women! Most had never been in a kayak before but we all paddled our hearts out. We went from Weymouth Mills, base for Hinterland, down the Sisiboo River into the ocean at St. Mary's Bay. We kayaked around the Bay, sleeping out in tents for 4 nights and in 5 days made it to Sandy Cove on Digby Neck. We kayaked over 60 km in the ocean with winds, white caps, against and with the tides. It was just amazing. The nicest thing was both being with this group of women and being by myself in my own little kayak in the ocean. A real experience and one, at 64 11/12th, I am very proud of doing. (I am front, second from the left in our group picture - blue jacket, dumb green hat).
As to kitting and hooking - I have also been busy. I have to think about that Mystery Shawl 3 - don't think I really like the wing. I am not getting it but maybe I just am too traditional and like things a little more symmetrical. I do like the patten up until it goes off into a wing. I also really like the colour. I think I will also try the Hanami. Why not - what is another project along with all the things I am working on now!
I have been working on the Place Rug and other small kn
I am also bought into the Hands on Crafts Cooperative. I will have smaller pieces there, the little purses, some shawls and some hooking things, and also am selling some of my large collection of vintage knitting needles. I have to work there two days a week but have a partner who will do one day for me so I have only one day. It is an interesting place so don't think I will mind - although Stan says "working" doesn't fit my new life style. I agree - that is working with a schedule. You might want to join me and place some of your work at either location. I found that I had a lot of things that I made for the joy of it and would be pleased to sell.
We had a very nice 45th wedding anniversary dinner at Charlotte Lane Cafe in Shelburne. We had a nice drive down, beautiful evening, and a lovely dinner.
I am off this afternoon with the kayak women to go out and see the puffins and harbour seals on Green island on the Zodiac. It is a grand ride on a beautiful day - no paddling! I sat out on the deck this morning knitting (making a triangular scarf out of Noro Silk Garden, Colour 258) and watching the humming birds. Got this picture - you can see the hummingbird just to the right of the geranium (a gray blob). Yesterday I took this picture of a butterfly that, with sister (butterfly woman) Susan's help, we are trying to identify. It would make a beautiful mat.
Love ya,
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