My Resolution is to post on this poor blog I have ignored for a year.... I also actually finished something instead of started something(s). I love to start things but finishing is another thing. This is my fast "get this out of my stash" project I started as a Christmas project. Lots of wonderful crazyness in October and November with family - son got married, we went to Toronto to take care of grandchild while sone and new daughter-in-law took a mini-moon. Got to see grandson and daughter and son-in-law and sisters and nieces and ..... at the wedding so we had a quiet Christmas. What a better time that that to actually finish something. So I did.

This was made with 3 balls of fine lace weight yarn held together (thus almost 3 balls out of my stash but now I have one smaller ball that I have absolutely no idea what to do with - so back to the stash. My father had a saying, "Take half and leave half and you will always have some." So true of my stash!) .
The pattern is called Mezquita Shawl by Zen Gardens. So - a question from friend Paula, "What Next?"
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