Monday, January 15, 2007


Hi Megs,

I love both our cupcakes!
It is finally snowing here - real snow and it is -2 C so finally feeling like winter. I really like it - you have an excuse to just hunker down and stay in with projects.

I did go out early - before it started snowing - and picked up my shawl. Even-if-I-do-say-so-myself it is really beautiful. Just flows. No longer a bunched up mess but a lovely shawl.

I am going to sit down with my rug hooking this afternoon. You need time to gather all things together - unlike knitting. I am working on a "Frog Purse" designed by Bev Conway. My RH teacher Shirley Brandshaw dyed most of the wool for me but I did overdye the green tweed for the leaves. Shirley used the Dore wool you gave me for Christmas last year and I picked out the colours. Have cut all the wool strips (#4), work is in the hoop, sissors at hand - now ready to just sit and let it snow.

Love ya,



1 comment:

Sam said...

It is so great to get a snow day, finally! I actually got the new VK at Carl's Store when I made a very slippery trip out for provisions this afternoon. It is not my favourite issue, but it was a nice supprise to find it. The shawl looks great, I hope I can eventually work my way up to doing that much lace.