Sunday, March 18, 2007

Almost Spring

Hi Megs

Love to hear about your beautiful weather there. It is warming up here - but the weather just had to have another go at it. We had a brief snow storm, then sleet, then freezing rain, then rain and then it went up to 11 degrees (C) yesterday with really high winds and all the snow is gone. We also know it is spring because the ducks are back. There were 8 (4 pair) in the yard and then in the pond and then on the lake (which is clearing). They clean up all the dropped birdseed from the winter. They also make a mess but it is nice to have them back. We should have baby ducks in a little while. I love your new Jade plant. They are a beautiful plant and last so long. Remember our big one that finally got so big it split?

That ball of T-shirt "yarn" is gigantic - as will be the rug! Looks very interesting but also hard on the hands. I don't think I have ever knitted with needles larger that US 11. I also like your scarf better than the original. And notice the original has a "big foot" as well. But - when you took the picture you cut off your face! At least you could have put Rushka in the picture. The scarf is really nice. I particularly like the darker colours.

I like the different pinks in your Lady E. It gives it character and texture. I am also on row 20 of my Lady E. I took it to the Knitting Guild (YKG) last week but find that we get talking so much it is hard to keep in on track. Also, as a group, the YKG is helping my friend Barbara Johnson with her knitting. She really has great tension and very even knitting. She is re-learning. And, after a little craziness with the yarn throw on the k1 p1 rib she is off to a grand start on a sweater, Coastal by Sarah Dallas in Rowan #41. She has knit before and her mother is a knitter to give help and encouragement.

And yes, I did join IODE - they took me in even though I am an ex-pat American! Go figure (an me a legacy with the DAR and the UDC (United Daughters of the Confederacy). I enjoy this group. All different age groups - some remind me of my mother, some of me! I think it is similar to PEO that sisters Ellen and Susan belong to in Lee's Summit. We had a St. Patrick Day Irish stew dinner yesterday. I made green desserts - a LOT of green desserts.

I have been working on the shawls for the Rotary GSE. I now have 3 done - 2 more to go (well, almost three done - one has to be blocked and one has about 12 rows to go before CO). Doris is spinning away for me. This is really "stupid" knitting. I am going to take it to the YKG next week because I can talk and do the garter stitch at the same time. That is the limit of my abilities.

I am also happy to have the March 07 edition of the RHGNS Magazine off in the mail and e-mail. I had the printer drop it off (all 900+ copies) to the church were the Carpetbaggers (one of my two rug hooking guilds) meet on Thursday. I recruited Pam, Barb and Gayle to help me tape, check and sort for the post office. We did it all in record time and I had it at the post office by 1:00 p.m. I love the cover. It is Doris Wentzell working on a project at our White Point Hook-in. She is a well known and respected rug hooking teacher.

I also got ambitious with dyeing wool (maybe too ambitious) and bought a bold of Dorr wool from my friend and rug hooking buddy and rh teacher, Shirley Bradshaw. She has been very ill. She had us all worried but think she is on the mend. We all depend on her at the Rugg Bees and Carpetbaggers and the Garden Club. We are working on the annual provincial convention of the Nova Scotia Association of Garden Clubs that we are hosting in June. I won't be there but working with the committee - Shirley is our chair - to get it all organized - and it is!

We were saddened this week by the death of the husband of one of our YKG Members. Sue lost Chris, a really wonderful man. He was one of our great principals at the school board who just retired. I really admired him - just a very nice, kind man. I think the importance of our Guild is that we like each other and we are just another support for each other as we move through life.

Take care. Looking forward to seeing you in May! In a little over a month - wow! Time goes fast when you are having fun.

I am putting this picture in for Rushka. The squirrels miss her! This squirrel is having breakfast out of our "squirrel proof bird feeder".

Love ya, Mom XOP

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