Hi Megs,

Sorry it has been so long since I posted. It has been crazy days! I think we have Spring fever because we are doing all kinds of things around the house. It has been beautiful here - not as warm as SF but nice for us - up to 12 c and sunny except for Saturday when we woke up to snow all over the place - but pretty snow. All gone now. The ducks and Canadian geese are back. Like the ducks - not the geese! We had our first BBQ - scallop kabobs!
I am still knitting the 5 shawls - have 3 3/4 done - so almost finished. I

t is good TV watching knitting but every so often I have to switch to something interesting! They are looking really good. Have been busy getting all the stuff ready for the Rotary GSE to Brazil. We had to pick out "outfits" - not easy with 4 young small women and me! But think we finally have it nailed down. On this map we are going to Rotary District 4700 (the light pink one near the bottom). This gives you an idea of where it is. I have also started a Group Study Exchange blog but it is not ready for prime-time yet. I will let you know when it is.

I have copies of "Knit Lit" and "Knit Lit (too)" and have to say I didn't like Knit Lit enough to finish it or even start the second one. It is really hard to write a really good short story and being about knitting might get me interested but doesn't hold my interest. I got both for gifts so they are on my shelf to loan out. I do like the Yarn Harlot - in small doses - she can be very funny. I have been reading "The Book Thief" by Markus Zusak. It is really good - strange - death is the narrator.

As to knitting books, I got two great books - "Knits for a Painter's Palette" by Maie Landra and "The Natural Knitter" by Barbara Albright. Both talk about dyeing wool and give some techniques. The Natural one show how to dye using natural materials like onion skins, eucalyptus, dried marigolds and mallow. I grow mallow in the backyard. Itching to get at this.

Dad has been working hard with the carpenter and plumber and electrician to get my basement dyeing station all set up. Have it all ready except the electricity. We had to clean out the basement by the windows. It has a lot of natural light at the back so perfect. I really am itching to get going.

But - we also decided to put in hardwood floors upstairs - so by the end of the week we will have NO MORE CARPET! Yea! But we have had to move everything off the balcony and the 3 bedrooms. It has been wild. My "studio" is next so have to clean it out tomorrow night. I won't have a computer for a little while - YIKES! Don't know if I can survive. It is going to look great when it is finished. The house is totally messed up. Someday I will actually get back to knitting.
I do love your dishcloths. I still use the two you made me a couple of years ago. I saw the water bottle cover but never thought anyone would ever make it! Love it and great yarn. I guess a person has to experience the cold nights of Africa before they get the yen to do this.

I am looking for your birthday present. It is almost Easter - it is SPRING! Yea. Got the hotel room and ready to get on the plane and visit you both. It is going to be a very busy May and June so happy we are getting the house in order now. When I get the 5 scarfs done I can get on with my entralac and finish the rug I have been hooking on for two years! And look at this yarn. Don't know what I am going to do with it (add it to my collection) but just found it so beautiful. It is Fleece Artists - makes a yummy ball. It would make a great dish cloth. Colour, colour, colour!
Take care! Pat Rushka for me - and Nathan!
Love ya, Mom XOP
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